All of my students have read the student handbook and they've all heard my lecture about inappropriate subject matter at the beginning of the term yet I keep finding things like this when I clean my room. It's really amazing how the drug culture has become so important to so many of my students. This was on a transparency, presumably destined to become a silkscreen. It's actually kind of funny and subversive. It kind of reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day that said something like, "the hippies wanted to change the world but all they do now is smoke pot and play frisbee golf". I think the Care Bears might as well get high all the time because, as a group, they have become culturally irrelevant.
My daughters like the Care Bears - "Funshine Bear," "Share Bear," "Rainbow Bear," etc. However, I don't think I'll be getting them a "Pot Bear" or "Stoner Bear" for Christmas!